Five Tips to Make Moving In with Your Significant Other a Success

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Five Tips to Make Moving In with Your Significant Other a Success

Moving Tips from Midway Moving & Storage in Chicago, IL

Moving in with your significant other is a big step, and the goal should be to ensure the process improves your relationship rather than straining it. Your local moving company Midway Moving & Storage in Chicago, IL wants to help you make moving in with your boyfriend or moving in with your girlfriend a success. Moving in together and living together is a big step in any relationship. Couples often have questions, such as “how soon is too soon to move in?”. While we may not be able to answer that, we can help with a moving in checklist and our moving services in Arlington Heights, Oak Lawn, and Oak Park, IL.Moving in together

Moving in with your significant other goes way beyond just offering them a couple of drawers and letting them leave your toothbrush like you may have done while dating. Moving in together is about combining lives and belongings. There’s a lot to consider, such as who gets the bigger closet, who has the final say on decorating choices, and whether you should move yourself or hire a residential mover. The process of moving in together requires commitment, compromise, patience, and more.

Tips for Successfully Moving In with Your Partner

Moving in with your partner can be stressful, but it should be a happy time. While this big step can make your life much better and easier, some relationships will fail if you don’t plan ahead. Check out these tips:

  • Be Frank – Before signing a lease, you’ll want to ensure you are on the same page about a number of significant decisions. Be open and honest about your expectations from everything from marriage down the road to cleanliness. Discuss how you plan to resolve conflicts that are sure to arise while you’re getting used to living together.
  • Discuss Your Finances – This topic tends to make everyone uncomfortable, but it’s something you need to discuss if you want to make living together a success. Determine whether you will share your finances or keep them separate and contribute to rent and bills each month. Make sure your living expenses are clearly outlined ahead of time.
  • Moving Into a New Space – Before moving in together, you have your home, and your partner has theirs. Your new space, whether it previously belonged to one of you or not, should be a combined living space. You may be buying or renting a new home, and if so, there’s a lot to consider. Discuss how important distance from work is, the type of kitchen you want, if you want a guest room, and more. Be sure to contact Midway Moving & Storage for your free moving quote.
  • Melding Your Styles – Everyone has unique styles, but finding the best way to blend them together is key. Some people enjoy a modern style, while others love antiques. Blending furniture together can be challenging, but each partner should choose their favorite piece, and you can find a way to make it work.
  • Remember Your Reason – Moving in together can sometimes test your passion for each other, but it’s important to always remember why you moved in together in the first place. When you live together, you can see each other at your worst. This doesn’t always make for romance, so be sure to keep your love alive by being kind and courteous, going on dates, doing nice things for each other, compromising, and communicating.


  • Additional Tips for Moving In Together

    Being on the same page is one of the most important things you can do before, during, and after moving in with your significant other. The same also holds true when moving in with roommates, friends, or family members. While it may seem like a downer to do so, establishing some house rules upfront can save you from a lot of hassles and arguments down the line. Try to divide house chores and come up with quiet times to ensure everyone can get their sleep without being disturbed. Communication is always key, even if things may seem difficult to talk about. If you are moving into someone else’s home, try to complement it with your own style without criticizing the existing décor. You may be able to combine styles in common areas and make your bedroom your own unless you are sharing the bedroom with your partner. When it comes to moving in together, plan for the worst but hope for the best. If the relationship doesn’t last, at least one of you will have to move out, and you’ll have to deal with contracts, money, furniture, and more. Having the unwanted discussion of what would happen if the relationship fails can help should the time come. While living together can be challenging at times, remember all the good stuff you’re gaining. Focus on the positive, and you’ll be able to deal with any annoyances.

Schedule Moving Services Today

You want moving in with your significant other to be a success, and that starts from day one. The moving process can be pretty stressful, so why not take the load off your shoulders? Midway Moving & Storage offers professional residential moving services in Chicago. We’re the proud mover of the Chicago Cubs, and we can move you in so you and your partner can start off on the right foot. Contact us today to get your free moving quote.