How to Pack & Organize a Storage Unit When Moving

Moving to a new home often involves temporarily renting a storage unit. But how do you efficiently pack and organize your items for storage? Follow the steps in this guide, and you’ll save time, effort, and money when it’s time to move.

Pack & Organise a storage unit, Chicago, ILDecluttering Before Packing

Before you start packing, decluttering is essential to decide what you want to keep. To declutter, sort your items into three categories: keep, sell/donate, and discard. Be ruthless and practical in your approach to lighten the load and decrease storage costs when moving.

Categorizing Items by Room or Use

Once you’ve pruned down your belongings, it’s time to categorize them. This involves grouping items based on their use or the room they belong in. Categorizing makes it easier to find specific belongings when you go to retrieve them from your storage unit. For instance, all kitchen items should be packed together, while all bedroom items should form another group.

Labeling Boxes

Clearly labeling your boxes as you pack is a must. This makes it much easier to locate specific items when you need them. Write a brief summary of the contents of each box, including the room or category it belongs to. For added efficiency, consider using a color-coded system for different rooms.

Creating an Inventory

Keeping track of what items you put in storage is crucial when packing and organizing for a move. To create an inventory, list your items on paper or in a digital note-keeping app. Include a brief description and any identifying information like serial numbers or model numbers for insurance purposes. It’s also wise to take photos of any valuable or unique items for your records.

Using Appropriate Packing Materials

Your choice of packing materials significantly impacts your belongings during storage. Although cardboard boxes are commonly used, clear plastic bins are a better choice. They’re sturdy, stackable, and water-resistant, offering better protection against moisture and pests. Plus, the transparent sides allow you to identify the contents without unpacking.

In addition to using clear plastic bins, place electronics and cords in plastic baggies as an extra waterproofing measure. Then, use bubble wrap, packing paper, furniture covers, and moving blankets to cushion and protect fragile items.

Disassembling Furniture

Disassembly is probably your best bet when dealing with large furniture, including beds, tables, and desks. This makes each item easier to move and frees up space in your storage unit. Keep all loose hardware and parts together in a labeled baggie taped to the corresponding furniture for easy reassembly.

Renting the Right Size Storage Unit

The size of your storage unit should align with your needs. The goal is to rent a space large enough to accommodate your items without cramming them in, yet not so large that you’re paying for unused space. Consider the amount and size of your items, and consult with the storage facility for their recommended cubic footage.

Cleaning Your Items and the Storage Unit

Before putting your items in storage, make sure everything is clean to discourage mold growth and pests. This involves laundering textiles, wiping down furniture and appliances, and vacuuming upholstery to remove dust and dirt. Then, sweep out the storage unit to create a clean environment for your belongings.

Storing Items in an Organized Manner

When loading your belongings into the storage unit, place large, heavy items on the bottom and along the walls, allowing you to stack smaller, lighter items on top. Arrange the unit so things you’ll likely need more frequently are located toward the front for easy access.

Utilizing Vertical Space

Make full use of the vertical space inside your storage unit by stacking boxes and bins to the ceiling. If you go this route, ensure the heaviest boxes are at the bottom for stability. You may also benefit from storage racks to keep your belongings organized and easily accessible without wasting space.

Maintaining Accessibility

As you organize your items within the unit, you may want to retain a path down the middle that leads to the back. This aisle allows you to reach anything you need without moving or restacking boxes for a more user-friendly storage unit.

Secure Storage Services in Chicago, IL

By following these steps, you can effectively pack and organize your items for storage when moving. If you’re still searching for a secure storage facility in Chicago, IL, consider what’s available from Midway Moving & Storage.

We offer a range of storage solutions, including mobile storage units for moving, commercial storage for businesses, and full-service storage, where we handle the heavy lifting and transportation. Our experienced team is committed to making your move seamless and stress-free. Whether you need assistance with packing, storage, or moving, we have you covered. Call us at 800-300-0002 today to learn more or request a storage quote.